Early Bird Promotion is ON

Posted almost 2 years ago by SHINING 3D Community Manager

Early Bird Promotion is ON


SHINING 3D Community Manager

almost 2 years ago

0 Votes


Our mission at SHINING 3D is to make quality 3D digitizing technology accessible to everybody, helping enterprises and individuals to enter the realm of the digital world. Einstar 3D scanner has been developed, allowing everybody to digitize the world around them like never before.

Save Your Einstar at a Special Price

New to SHINING 3D?
Benefit from our early bird discount and save your Einstar for only 799 USD/EUR in our webshop 


SHINING 3D user?

Enjoy a special SHINING 3D family price of only 759USD/EUR by submitting your information here.

<<Submit Here>>

This offer is valid through October 1st exclusively on einstar.com, Lead time max. 1 month. 


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